Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It Is Simple Really. No See = No Pay

If a father has no history of abuse and is not a danger to the children then there should be no reason for him not to see his children. So the concept of 'No See No Pay' should apply to childsupport and noncustodial visitation. Maybe if getting their money was contingent on the father getting to see his children there would be far fewer malicious mothers brainwashing children against their fathers.

There are cases that it is in the child's best interest to be away from an abusive father. I am not talking about that. But as it stands now there is absolutely no incentive for a divorced mother to encourage children to see their father. This opens the door for the exwife with a predisposition to be malicious and vindictive to begin talking down the father to his children. And unless the father has almost unlimited financial resources to hire attorneys and pay court costs he is going to lose his children to this type of behavior.

Confronting a mother that is guilty of this will only lead to further escalation of the problem since if she was capable of rational thought and talking out issues chances are good that either she would never have started the behavior or the family may not have even broken up in the first place. But that is just from my personal experience with this phenomenon known as P.A.S.


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